Friday, December 30, 2011

When you are an Empath

When you are an Empath

  This means that you have the ability to sense the emotions, and feelings of others just by being near them. You  tend to be somewhat shy, especially in a room filled with other people.  You might not be all that shy but because you have a hard time being in a room with others you seem shy, staying to yourself gives that impression.  Being able to pick up on other peoples emotions tends to become overwhelming when you are with a more then a few people at the same time.  Not everyone understands you, in fact some think that your a snob or worse because you rarely participate in group activities, or want to go places.  I have lost friends because they just didn't understand why I never really wanted to go out with them.  I am happy and content to just stay at home.  I am also as are so many others who are gifted with being an Empath a loner type personality, I have no problem being by myself, sometimes I'd rather it.  If your an Empath you can be extremely sensitive,  the slightest thing can and does hurt you, you have a history of being hurt by people through your life, also you are very sensitive to noise/sounds, chatter, and feelings, don't trust easily, don't have many friendships.  Only very few people understand your complex personality, and can understand they can't hide much from you because the second they come near you you know if somethings bothering them, if they are upset about something, if they are happy or excieted about something.  It is not easy to hide your feelings from someone who is an Empath.  That also causes people to stay away, you do learn how to control this power!! and even though it is a gift it can also be a curse.  But once you learn how to control it you can learn to live with it, it also eventually becomes rutine, something you just get used to.  I can tell just as soon as someone walks in the room, or the moment I hear their voice on the phone just how they are feeling. If I am really close to a person I can pick up their emotions just by thinking about them.

There is a page on the left side of the blog with tons more information.....

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