The History Of Fairies

 The History Of Fairies

The Little People are said to be the dispossessed early tribes of the British Isles.They faded away into inhabited places, growing smaller and smaller with time as they were forgotten and passed into legend. The Tuatha de Danann, People of the Goddess Dana, ruled Ireland before the Milasian invasion. They were driven underground where they became the Daoine Sidhe fairies.
The word Fairy is derived from the ancient "faunoe o fatuoe" which, in the pagan mythology, indicated the faun's (deer) companions, creatures endowed with power of foretelling the future and ruling the human events. The word Fairy also comes from "fatigue", which in Middle Ages was synonymous with "wild woman", that is woman of woods, waters and, in general, of the natural world. Fairies are super natural creatures endowed with magic power, thanks to which they can change their appearance and make it change to the others. They frequent caves, rocks, hills, woods and sources; they are ready to help innocents and victims of persecution; they make up for a wrong, they avenge an offense, but they also can be malicious and vengeful. According to tradition, they are present at men's birth in order to give them special gifts and influence their existence in a benevolent or malevolent way.

 Fairies are naturally complicated and their behavior is ruled by a moral code which is very different from ours. Most of these little creatures, apart their size, appearance and nature, have hidden powers and are able to give, as much as they please, good and bad luck. Therefore, the more you know about Fairies, the best chances you have to come out of an encounter unscathed. When you have dealings with Fairies it is of primary importance that you treat them with kindness and all respect. It is too easy to offend them and Heaven help you if you take liberties with them
Fairies are constantly attracted by every form of creativeness and, most of all, by instants of deep feeling, which they want to share. Lovers, poets, artists, writers, sculptors, weavers, musicians and all arts have to admit they are in debt to a unidentifiable force, which is invisible, capricious, sensible, delicate, incomprehensible and powerful, called "inspiration" or "Muse" which, when it is present, is generally irresistible. Fairy's world is full of dark enchantment, of charming beauty, of incredible ugliness, of hard superficiality, of spirit, malice, joy and inspiration, of terror, laughter, love and tragedy. Their world is richer than fairy-tales make believe.

Special Dates for Fairies
Midsummer's Eve (June 24). On Midsummer's Eve the fairies are at their merriest

Fairy Food
When it comes to fairy food, we read stories to discover that mallow fruits are fairy cheeses, and dogwood fruits are pixie pears. Little cakes are another favorite fairy food, and if they are made with saffron, they are especially cherished since saffron is highly valued by fairies.

What do Fairies Love ?
Fairies love beauty and splendor, grace of movement, music and pleasure, everything in fact that is artistic. They do not like any sort of violent, brutal enjoyment. They hate greedy people who gather the last bit of grain, or drain the last bit of milk from the glass, or pluck the trees bare of fruit leaving nothing for the spirits who wander by in the moonlight.
Always leave a bit of milk or drink in your glass at a feast and never pick the last fruit from the tree. Don't stay up too late either, for fairies like to gather round after the family is in bed and drink and eat.
If treated well, the fairies will bestow good fortune and reveal the mysteries of plant herbs. For acts of kindness bestowed upon the spirits, fairy blessings will come in the form of unexpected good luck.
Fairies could bestow good fortune on people, but if they felt offended they could cast spells and cause mischievous trouble. Therefore be kind to a vagabond, for he may be a fairy prince in disguise, who has come to test the depth of your charity, and of the generous nature that can give liberally out of pure love and kindliness to those who are in need, and not in hope of a reward.
The most popular pastimes of fairies are music and dancing. At night the fairies would rise from their homes and come out to dance away the hours of darkness. They especially love to dance in the evening of the full moon. When the morning sun begins to rise, the fairies vanish.
Many mortals were enticed by the beauty of dancing fairies and sought to watch them dance at night. But this was very dangerous, because if the fairies lured and trapped a mortal, the mortal could be forced to dance all night until they collapsed from exhaustion.
Fairy music is more melodious than human music and there are many songs and tunes which are said to have originated from the fairies. Many pipers and fiddlers of Europe learned their songs from the fairies

Fairy Spells

Venus Love Spell

For this spell, all you will need is a piece of twine and a clear mind. It is enhanced by being worked under a new moon, but can be done anytime. Cross two of your fingers and wrap the twine around them (not too tight, you still want circulation!), until you get to the end of the twine, then tuck the end in. Hold your entwined fingers up to your third eye (the center of your forehead), and chant the following rhyme:
Venus, Goddess of love divine
I make this wish with fingers entwined
Give me a love that I adore
Be he handsome, plain, rich or poor
With this twine I do empower
Please start this spell within the hour
Bring me a love so pure and true
So I can start my life anew.

Take the twine off your fingers and bury it either in the garden, or in a pot of soil. Plant some flowers above it and look after them well - this is your offering to Venus.

Love Spell
This spell must be worked under a full moon
You will need:
Red Rose petals
Vanilla extract (about 1 tablespoon)
3 pinches of Nutmeg
1 pinch of Rosemary
and 2 cups of Fresh Water

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and chant the following rhyme:
With this offering I do ask
That you aid me in this blessed task
What was many times broken must now be strong
Bring me a love that can't go wrong
Heal my heart and heal his too
Bring me a love that is so true
As I mix these elements in this bowl
Bring my love to me and make us whole

Now throw the ingredients into the air towards the moon

Calming of the Fairies

This spell is for an unruly mob - the fairies.
For this spell you need an offering:
a small piece of cake
a thimble of honey
anything you think a fairy might like.

Place the offering in a clearing in your garden and whisper the following verse:
Little fairies with tiny feet
Play in this garden - but leave it neat
Little fairies with hands so sweet
I leave this offering - for you to eat
Little fairies, if this garden is neat
Ill leave more offerings at your tiny feet.

Continue to leave little fairy treats about once a month. This spell is best done at dusk as fairies are usually asleep in the day and dancing at night.

The Fairy Call
A spell for summoning the fairies

Sit where the cat sits.
Cross your toes.
Close your eyes.
And smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
"I believe in fairies,
sure as death."
Gadflykins! Gladtrypins!
Gutterpuss and Cass!
Come to me fairily
Each lad and lass!

From "Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book"

The Stone Spell

Another way of seeing a fairy is with a stone found at water's edge.
One that has been worn by years of water rushing over it until a perfect hole has formed right through it.
Seashells will do in a hurry.
Just hold it up to your eye, look through it and walk around three times in a circle while whispering
"The fairies peek and they see me.
Now i'll peek and i'll see thee".

But you first have to believe!!

Good Luck Oil

1 tablespoon dried wormwood
3 teaspoons ground nutmeg
teaspoon powdered mandrake root
13 drops pine oil
cup olive oil
Place all ingredients in a clean glass jar and gently swirl it in a clockwise direction.
Seal the jar tightly and allow it to sit for 13 nights in a cool, dark place.
Filter the oil through a cheesecloth and use it to anoint candles for wish-magick, jinx-breaking and spells to attract good luck, money and success

Childs Chant

Now I lay me down to rest.
I pray that all the world be blessed
Lady Moon and Sister Star Watch over me from afar.
Mother Earth is always there
And keeps me safe within her care
The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing
And happy dreams will to me bring
And when I wake to greet the day
Brother Sun will light my way.


1 glass bottle or jar with cap
mixing bowl
funnel (you can make one with a rolled up piece of paper)
9 herbs of choice from list below:
( Acacia, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Basil, Birch, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broom, Caraway, Carnation, Cadar, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cotton, Cypress, Dill, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Flax, Foxglove, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Irish Moss, Ivy, Lilac, Mandrake, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Pine, Primrose, Raspberry, Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Thistle, Valerian, Violet, Willow)

Pour the nine selected herbs into the mixing bowl one by one.
As you pour each one in say these words (replace the blank with the name of the herb):
"________ that protects, protect my home and all within."

Once all of the herbs have been added to the bowl, mix them with your hands. Visualize you home being safe and secure as you mix. Cap the bottle or jar and bury it outside, in front of your front step. If you live in an apartment or other place that would prevent you from doing this, place the jar some where out of view but still near your doorway.

Basil Protection Spell

First, open your ceremony however you like.
Moon Phase:- Full moon.
things you will need:
one orange candle
one carnation flower

Place the carnation in the bowl of consecrated water, and set basil in front of the orange candle. Light the orange candle with the Presence candle. Breathe deeply and clear your mind. Begin to concentrate on the powers of protection, visualize a strong shell surrounding you, glowing hot. Say in a powerful voice:
I call on the guardians and on the power of the Lord and the Lady I surround myself with the protection of fire I am supported by the strength and grace of earth The winds bring me gentle shifts and the water's flow eases the energy in this time. I believe in this protection and I release my fears, so that I may connect to the pulse of life. May this be done within the greater good, So mote it be, and be it, it should!
Let the candle burn for as long as you like. You can take this opportunity to meditate and release the spell into the cosmos.
When you are ready, snuff out the candle.
Keep this candle and burn it during meditation whenever you feel a need for extra protection.
When the candle has eventually been burned completely, repeat this spell if you feel the need. Continue the ceremony with the wine and cake blessing and consumption. Then dismiss the elements and the other spirits present and close the circle.
At the end of the ceremony, take the basil and scatter it on the ground under the light of the full moon.
The spell is complete

Calling The Luck of The Fairy Folk

This incantation can be done anytime during the summer, when the fireflies are out. Can be performed clothed but is best done sky clad. You must find a VERY quite and private place to do the incantation.
Start with your arms out and walk in an open area that fireflies are in. Stop in the same position and call upon the great mother with the following chant:
Fireflies come dance with me
Fireflies come be with me
Oh Great Mother be with us tonight
With (your name)
and the Fairy Folk
Fireflies show your true self
Do not fear me for I am (your name)
Your friend
Your Sister/Brother
Invite me into your world to dance
(Dance a joyous dance from your heart)
(Allow yourself to be free and at peace)

Continue Chant:
Fireflies, Fairy Folk, Oh Great Mother
Come dance with me
Be with me
Fairy Folk show your true self to me I will protect you tonight as we dance
Dance the dance of the Fairy Folk

repeat the above five lines, and dance the dance of the Fairy Folk until you feel and see that the Fairy Folk are with you...Play with them as you like, when you are done do the following: Begin Chant to End the Dance
Fairy Folk, Fire Flies, Oh Great Mother
Fairy Folk, I (your name) leave you now
Go back to hide from where you came
Be not sad, or cry or weep For I (your name) will return
To dance the Dance of the Fairy Folk Peace be with you.

Blessed Be. ...

Energy, Enthusiasm and New Beginnings

You will need:
1 red candle
anointing oil (pine or dragon's blood)
incense: pine or dragon's blood
Sunrise, Tuesday
Light incense

Anoint the candle with the oil, focusing on the up coming year and all the goals you want to seriously pursue
Write down on a small piece of paper what you wish for ... and put the piece of paper under the candle, and as you light it, say:

"May this or something better now manifest in accordance with the highest karma good for all concerned."
(This is called the KARMIC CLAUSE, and should be repeated every time you make a wish.

Let the candles burn as you visualize your goal. You can repeat this for several days, up until the Full Moon, but let the candles burn all the way down on the last day. Keep the slip of paper on your altar, in a special small box , or in a medicine bag to be worn around your neck.

Nightmare Remedies

Amethyst belongs in every night-time crystal collection. Many parents have found that amethyst helps to prevent their children from having nightmares, and it also works for us older folks. This stone, whose color represents the transition from day to night, can also be very helpful in helping one to relax and go to sleep.
Conjure circle round the bed
Where I lay my weary head
That in it's gold and silver light
I will spend a peaceful night.

Friendship Candle Magick

Pink Candle
Good Luck/Friendship Oil
Pink silk Ribbon
White Silk Ribbon Cast the Circle
Arrange altar

Invoke Goddess and God
You will want to anoint the pink with Good Luck oil all the while thinking of the friends that you want to make. Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see yourself with them. After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open minded(important for every Wiccan!), humor, whatever. As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns between any two close friends.

When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together. Simply winding them around each other will do. While you do this, think of bringing that friend closer to you. This binding process is reminiscent of pagan hand fasting rituals. You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be.
You DO NOT want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magick is harmful since is harms the other person's free will.Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you. Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can.

The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person. When this is done, you may wish to sit and meditate on the spell that you have just cast, sending your energies out to bring that perfect friend to you.
When you feel that your spell has been completed, then it has. Let your candle burn all the way out and release your circle, thanking