Witch's Ladder
Witch’s ladders are something that most of us see referenced in passing on occasion but we rarely see them in practice.
The use of Witch’s ladders is a form of cord magick, and they are traditionally used similar to rosary or mala beads. The traditional Witch’s ladder is made by using three equal length cords (one white, one red, and one black) that are woven together and as they are woven nine feathers of nine different colors are woven in. The creator of the ladder weaves his/her intent into the craft as it is being made. Once finished the Witch uses the ladder as a meditation or counting tool during their spell working.
Modern Witches who employ this type of cord magick often abandon the traditional colors and instead opt to work with colors that correspond to their goal. Likewise you are not limited to the use of feathers (caution must be taken when using feathers, more on that later), beads, stones, sticks, and anything else you can entwine in your ladder is fair game. My use of Witch’s ladders deviates from tradition even farther. In our home we use them as charmed decorations. While weaving our ladders we charge them for things such as happiness, prosperity, safety, protection, and harmony. Then we hang them in whatever room we feel appropriate.
How to make your own Witch’s ladder
What you need:
~String, yarn, hemp, or cord (for my ladder I used crochet yarn, Odin used hemp)
~Beads, stones, sticks, bones, flowers, porcupine quills, etc
*Keep in mind there are laws regarding the harvesting/possession of things such as bones and quills. Check with your local Game Commission for more info.
You’ll begin by measuring and cutting three equal lengths of cord, for example if you have nine items you may want to space them about an inch apart that means you’ll want eleven inches of cord for the “body” of the ladder and two inches of cord on each end for knotting, giving you three fifteen inch pieces of cord total.
Begin by tying the three cords together with a knot at one end, like you would in a balloon. Now begin to braid them using a basic braid.
If you are evenly spacing your items you’ll braid the cords for an inch then attach/braid in your item. Beads are the easiest, simply slip a bead onto one of the cords and continue to braid as normal. Stones, sticks, etc can take some practice. It helps if you lay your project on the table, place your item over one cord and under the next cord you’re about to work into the braid. You are basically braiding around the item. Make sure your braid is nice and tight. This counts as a “knot.”
This part is optional but as you knot each item in it is traditional to say:
By knot of one, the spell's begun.
By knot of two, the magic comes true.
By knot of three, so it shall be.
By knot of four, this power is stored.
By knot of five, my will shall drive.
By knot of six, the spell I fix.
By knot of seven, the future I leaven.
By knot of eight, my will be fate.
By knot of nine, what is done is mine.
When you reach the end of your witches ladder tie a knot, like you would in a balloon.
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