Being an Empath
But it does get better. For example, maybe you also understand animals, have precognitions, feel presences here and there (or see them), or intuitively know the answers for questions. … Ah those days... confusion, pain, feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Do you want to hear the news? You are not doomed; you CAN be a happy empath.
Empathy is a gift, and a wonderful one indeed. It is the ability to feel with the other, but not only with those suffering. We feel the good emotions, too. This makes our internal life richer and deeper. We have the first seat in the theater of life and we are able to understand at a much deeper level what is going on, or at least have the ability to do so. You can be a happy empath, but does take some work. What does it take? Knowledge and practice, there is no way around it. We are born with a built-in tool that is a power tool plugged in, working by itself. If we don´t learn to use it, we can hurt others, we can hurt ourselves, we can be messed up big time. If we do take the time to learn to use it, we can have a normal life, and use this tool whenever we want (instead of being used by it). And yes, we can choose to lock the tool in a socket when we don´t need it. It even comes with a dial so we can put the volume down.
Traits of an empath
The most common definition of an empath is someone who can feel with the other. That is, an empath feels the physical or emotional state of other person as if it were his or her own.
The most common definition of an empath is someone who can feel with the other. That is, an empath feels the physical or emotional state of other person as if it were his or her own.
This is only the tip of the iceberg though. Empaths have their neuro-system in tune with incoming waves of any type so to speak. And there are as many types of empaths as empaths themselves.
So, some can feel emotions, but others can feel animals, and yet others can feel atmospheric disturbances. Some will process them as emotions, others as physical disturbances. Some will acknowledge the source, some can´t. Some can feel remnant emotions in places (for example where battles took place), some can feel electromagnetic waves. Some can tell the emotional state of the writer when reading a text. Some transport themselves so easily when they see images, TV, or movies that they just can´t see thrillers, terror movies... or the 6 o clock news. And to make things even more interesting, the traits are not set in stone. They change and evolve depending of the emotional state of the empath and the life he or she chooses.
Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity .Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive to others.
Empathy is a feeling of another's true emotions to a point where an empath can relate to that person by sensing true feelings that run deeper than those portrayed on the surface. People commonly put on a ìshowî of expression. This is a learned trait of hiding authentic expression in an increasingly demanding society. An empath can sense the truth behind the cover and will act compassionately to help that person express him/herself, thus making them feel at ease and not so desperately alone.
Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects.Empathy is not held by time or space. Thus, an empath can feel the emotions of people and things at a distance. Some are empathic towards animals (ie: The Horse Whisperer), to nature, to the planetary system, to mechanical devices or to buildings etc. Others will have a combination of the above.
Empaths are highly sensitive. This is the term commonly used in describing one's abilities (sensitivity) to another's emotions and feelings. Empaths have a deep sense of knowing that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others.
Empaths and shielding
Empaths and crowds
Let´s think of a typical day at the mall. Some people hurrying around, some just having a
good time, some bored employees, and some worried business owners. Some guilty because
they bought something they can´t afford, some upset because they want to buy something they
can´t afford. Some feeling really good about themselves and their new acquisitions... some
anxious about what that special person will think of the present. And there goes Mary to do some shopping. Mary is wise and kind, she has those deep eyes that can read your soul; she has a bit of a
your secrets with, even being total strangers. You can see how kids and animals gravitate toward
her. But Mary has a little problem. When she enters the mall, her heart pounds and her emotions
swing wildly. You could say she is having a panic attack. It doesn´t really make sense and she
doesn´t understand why, but big crowds are an issue for her. Do you want to know what is going on? Mary is an empath and she is not shielding. Shielding is a process used to create a protective energetic skin in empaths and HSP (Highly Sensitive People). This allows them to move normally in highly emotional places without feeling overwhelmed.
Highly Sensitive People are highly sensitive for a reason Of course none of this is set in stone, so take my words for what they are: an opinion. Or better said, the result of a debate and cross of opinions of several people who not only want to cope with the gifts, but own them. Before an empath trains the gifts, empathy works like a passive sense - think hearing. You can´t avoid hearing everything around you and loud noises can drive you crazy. This is how empaths and HSP perceive the emotional fields around them. And this explains Mary´s panic attack in the mall. You can actually drive an empath crazy by emotional overload. After training, empathy can develop into a sense more similar to sight. It is not completely passive, but active. At this stage an empath can actually identify the source of the emotion, choose to put the antenna inward and not be bothered (unless the emotions run too high), and do all kind of neat tricks. You can say that with shielding, you put a headset on to lower the noise. With training, you gain control of the remote control to choose the radio station you want to hear.
Most Shielding techniques include visualization of some kind. Some say visualization is just training wheels, but it is a good starting point. Other methods include external help, like crystals and essential oils. Highly Sensitive People are highly sensitive for a reason Of course none of this is set in stone, so take my words for what they are: an opinion. Or better said, the result of a debate and cross of opinions of several people who not only want to cope with the gifts, but own them. Before an empath trains the gifts, empathy works like a passive sense - think hearing. You can´t avoid hearing everything around you and loud noises can drive you crazy. This is how empaths and HSP perceive the emotional fields around them. And this explains Mary´s panic attack in the mall. You can actually drive an empath crazy by emotional overload. After training, empathy can develop into a sense more similar to sight. It is not completely passive, but active. At this stage an empath can actually identify the source of the emotion, choose to put the antenna inward and not be bothered (unless the emotions run too high), and do all kind of neat tricks. You can say that with shielding, you put a headset on to lower the noise. With training, you gain control of the remote control to choose the radio station you want to hear.
Bubbles and cloaks
picture a bubble surrounding you that repels unwanted energies. This is easier to say than do, as
to keep the image in the mind for long periods of time is daunting. But, for short periods of time it
is pretty easy to do and efficient. Some go further and create a full featured cloak under the bubble. They start with a golden skin, and then add different layers with the different colors of the rainbow. The big finale is a white light bubble. This is a good shield for those interested in leaving an impression in others. It is mostly used by some professional psychics or speakers. There are different cloaks: some use mirror cloaks, invisibility cloaks, smoke cloaks; whatever you can imagine works.
Most empaths are crystal consciousness and able to condense reality2; so this is more than a silly game, it does affect reality – it will not affect the way people see us, but the way what they perceive us at an emotional level. And as a consequence, it will affect our relationships further than it was intended.
Just make sure you understand or have your awareness very high when experimenting with shields and cloaks. People might get a wrong impression about you and act consequently.
Empaths and Flushing
Empaths and distress...
Picture this... it is 3 am and the phone rings. Paula wakes up and sees who´s calling. The name in the
phone is Sharon; she answers. Her best friend, Sharon, is having a very hard time with her hubby. A call at 3 AM means something bad happened. Sharon and her husband had a horrible fight and she asked him to leave, which he did. Now, four hours later he hasn´t come back. Sharon is very upset, anxious and worried about him. Sharon dedicates the next hour and a half to tell Paula about all the issues with her hubby (again), plus her fears, reasons why he should not return, reasons why he should be home by now, what she plans to do when he comes back, and what she is going to do if he doesn´t.
The monologue ends as abruptly as it started when he actually gets home. “He is here, I have to
go, bye.” Paula looks at her clock, it is 4:30 am, and now she is feeling noxious. She did more than just
lending an ear. She absorbed a lot of the energy her friend was releasing and now all that distress
is in her system roaming around and causing damage. This can happen to anyone, but empaths seem to attract relationships where they are something like walking emotional dumpsters and Paula is no exception.
The question is: what to do next? How can she release all that energy that is clogging her system?
The answer is flushing.
What Paula needs to do now is to take that energy out of her system - fast. There are two ways to solve
the problem: flushing and grounding. But grounding implies a different type of action, so let´s stick to
flushing and talk about grounding later. Flushing is to take energy out from the body and send it out into the material world. In particular, you can send the energy deep into the Earth. During the flushing process you lose energy and can be drained. To solve this you replenish the energy by closing the
circuit bringing in white light energy from spirit. After the flushing is done, we need to ground to recover the balance. Flushing and grounding work as movement and counter movement in yoga.
I can´t stress enough how important this is: balance is not an accident, it is a conscious act. An empath will never be at peace unless the search for balance becomes a priority. There are many methods to flush and ground. Some very simple, some more complex and some use helping elements like crystals or essences.
Simple Flushing Techniques
Have a bath
Put your wrists under water
Walk barefoot
Hug a tree
Hold a salt lamp
The tree technique
Imagine you are a tree and from your feet, roots dive deep into the ground. Now picture your energetic body (aura) with your third eye (it doesn't matter if you don't really see a thing because the fifth chakra is closed, just picture it). Imagine or look for grey or muddy areas -which represent the unwanted energy. Now use intent to push that energy down your body toward your feet. Keep pushing through the roots until the energy gets lost deep in the ground. Now you can use the same exercise to replenish yourself: dress yourself up with strong branches full of leaves. Feel the sun over the leaves and feel how that energy flows through your body invigorating you.
Root chakra flushing
The root chakra is the first one, located in the base of the spine. It is the lowest one and it deals
with survival and group relationships. It is usually assigned the color red. Chakras are vortexes of energy, so we can channel from them. One of the channeling techniques is via cords. To use the root chakra to flush, create a cord from the chakra and stick it in the ground. Make it go as deep as you can.
Then picture again the dirty energy as a grey or muddy and use intent to push it down to the root
chakra and out of the body through the cord. After you are done, release the cord. The first time I did this, it felt as a slow moving mud river. Now that I do it regularly, it is like clear water running fast - carrying some dirt here and there.
Whirlpool effect
This is probably the easiest method and most efficient, because you don´t need to have the chakra
canal clean to move energy and works faster in most cases. Think about the centrifugation cycle in the dryer machine (or a tornado), that is what we are after. Find a calm spot to center, this is light meditation, and once you get the grip of it you can do it, even while talking with someone else.
Focus on the energy in your body and start circling it around you, if it is clockwise or
counterclockwise doesn´t matter. Find the way it works better for you each time as it might change. You should see a circle looking down from the crown of your head. Now find the foreign unwanted energy, picture it as balls of energy carried by the stream. See how the centrifugal effect pushes them toward the external border and out of the stream. Now picture a wall of energy just out of the whirpool without touching it, that captures the balls and send them to the ground so the planet can recycle them. This method is not only efficient, it is fun.

Grounding, Flushing and Myths
Grounding and flushing use similar techniques. The main difference between them is the direction of the flow. This is something that took me some time to figure out, and I actually had it all wrong for a long
time. Still, you will find that many people make the same mistake. They use flushing and grounding as the same thing - that is to flush energy toward the material world. While at the same time you will find the term “grounded” related with the process of being in contact with Earth as a reservoir which implies flow in both directions. This confusion arises because “grounding” neutralizes some of the unwanted energies in our system. I wouldn´t bother about the direction of the flow if it didn´t have very clear consequences. The act of grounding brings in healthy material frequencies into our systems. They are low vibrational frequencies and affect the health of the lower two chakras. To dismiss the importance of the lower chakras´ health and these frequencies could result in lack of wealth, lack of physical health, abusive relationships, lack of survival instinct and/or untidiness (whether this is to ourselves, our home or our planet). Another common misconception is to make a connection between low frequencies and distressing patterns. There is not such connection: distress comes from frequencies out of sync. We are a big wave package and contain a continuum of frequencies. The lower frequencies represent the material world (chakra 1) while the higher frequencies represent the spiritual world (chakra 7). We need both of them as we are the result of the union of both realms. To be happy and healthy we need to have our lower frequencies synchronized with Earth, and the higher frequencies
synchronized with Source.
Grounding Techniques
Spend time in Nature
This is the simpler and better of all techniques. Find a favorite spot where you can be in awe of the
beauty of nature. Preferably not full of manmade nature mutilations. The more authentic the
location, the better it will be. Relax, clear your mind and let the feeling of "awe" guide you. That is the signal showing you the energy is actually flowing and fulfilling its purpose. It is the signal of synchronization.
Yoga greeting technique
If you put your intent into moving energy around and bringing grounding energy to your body, the
yoga greeting pose (the more basic of them all) will do the trick. I do change it a bit when
grounding is the intent and start it as low as I can (joining the tips of my fingers at belly button
height). The palms are facing down when they finish the circuit in a round movement along the
Walk barefoot
In the grass or concrete/tile floor, just take your shoes off and feel the ground. If you walk
barefoot, the Second law of Thermodynamics3 will come to the rescue and you will be flushing and
grounding naturally depending on your body´s needs (almost without any active action from your
part). Carpet or vinyl will not be good in this case. As for wood... well, it will do something, but not
as much as concrete or grass. Plus, the closest you are from Earth the better. Watch out for
buildings, grounding on floor 25 is not very efficient.
The base chakra is identified with the color red. While the second chakra is associated with the color orange. To ground these chakras to Earth think of red, brown and dark colors like black and grey. Most people I talked with find the pure black stones too strong and distressing to be in contact with for long periods of time.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that if you put two bodies in thermodynamic contact they will
evolve until having the same resulting values for the variables allowed to evolve. It was designed for
temperature as measure, but it applies to any other type of energy besides heat. Being the Earth an energy reservoir, to enter in contact with her moves our ground frequencies´ energy to her values.
Black obsidian - This stone increases awareness of personal illusions, so we can push past those
illusions and be more grounded in reality.
Hematite - This stone is an iron ore that often comes as a metallic gray but can also be black and
red. It acts over emotional grounding, balancing opposing energies. It helps in focusing the mind
and bringing peace to deal with emotional situations.
Onyx - Onyx provides strength in times of turmoil. Use it to stand your ground when principles are
being threatened.
Smoky quartz - This crystal aids in grounding without losing the ability to see past physical survival
issues to more spiritual concerns.
Black Kyanite – This crystal is a favorite of healers and see-ers, as works for grounding but it also
resonates with higher frequencies. It can also be used for aura repairing and chakra attunement.
Bloodstone - Also called heliotrope, bloodstone is a form of quartz that is dark green with red
flecks. It's used for purification of the self and surroundings.
Garnet - This stone ranges in color, but red is the most popular. It has a stabilizing effect by
breaking through chaotic thoughts, behavior and surroundings.
Red jasper - Besides being a good stone for protection, red jasper provides a sense of calm and
gentle grounding. It also helps in completion of projects.
Ruby - Ruby crystals are used to release blocked energy, clean clogged chakras and for protection
against psychic attack.
To ground with crystals, just have them around you, use them as jewelry, carry them on your
pocket or apply them over the skin when meditating. Be careful of keeping crystals around you
while you are sleeping. Sometimes they have way too interesting effects.
Crystals are like a little piece of Earth we can carry around. But being small in size they can
contaminate with our energies (or the energies of those around us). Leave them outside under the
full moon, the sun, wash them or use the method you feel is best to clean them up regularly.
Working with energy
It is very common for non trained empaths to go through life in a very sad energetic state. We get all the yucky emotions from everyone else. Our own emotions go to the roof and we release too much of our energy processing it or releasing it ecologically. Yes, empaths – except for those who go very wrong – are usually very ecological with others emotions. And it gets even better. When we manage to be balanced, we shine bright and attract emotional parasites. How fun is that? To deal with all this, we need to learn some energy kung fu techniques: how to balance energy, how to cut the cords, and how to deal with energy parasites. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This implies a balancing act, at times difficult to keep. I´m going to introduce a model here, you don´t need to believe it, just play pretend and see if the results work for you. Let´s suppose you have a droplet of the spiritual source inside of you – let´s name it the highest self. Call the spiritual source God, if you want, or whatever you prefer. And let´s suppose you have a physical body made out of material that comes from the planet (not much to argue about it, hum?). That physical body - while alive - has an energy field (you feel the heat coming out of your skin? That is part of the emitted radiation). Now, let´s suppose the planet is alive - emotions, spiritual self, energy field, theworks. And let´s suppose that our physical energy field originates from our low self – which is a drop of the planet energy field. As crazy as this might sound for some, our brain has the same main frequency of the Earth (Schumann Resonance).
To be balanced, we need to make sure of keeping our crown chakra (the 7th one) vibrating in phase with source energy and our base chakra (the first one), vibrating in phase with Earth. And the whole energy conductor along the chakras, clean. This concept is not new, it has been stated by Chinese medicine since the longest time, using yin/yang. But I am actually taking it a step further. To replenish ourselves, we use a combination of what I introduced as the complete cycle for flushing and grounding. We flush the unwanted energy out and we complete the cycle by introducing energy from our crown. And as a counter movement we ground bringing in energy from Earth and complete the circuit emitting energy from our crown. It doesn´t need to be in this order. For example if you ground first, much of the unwanted energy will dissolve and you don´t need to flush it. You still need to do the counter movement.
The chakra
In the most basic level, the energy field resembles the physical body side by side, to the last organ. This mirroring effect is used for healing when you don´t want to pump too much energy to the body itself.
On a more ethereal level, we have the chakras´ system. The chakras are the main energetic pumps in the body. Think about the energetic system as resembling the blood circulation system, but the resemblance is just to have an image. As with everything else, lately the chakra model has evolved to accommodate different ideas and facts. And by now you have systems with a couple of dozens of chakras over the crown chakra. Also some people add another one between the years to explain clairaudio.
But for the sake of simplicity, I will keep the old 7 main chakras´ system, which works nicely for what we are trying to accomplish. Besides the main seven chakras, this system talks about smaller chakras all around the body in key junctures. And we also have fast lines connecting different points of the body; this is what acupuncture and EFT techniques take advantage of. Each chakra has a double function as pump and as connection to the environment. So those are points where we have energy clogging, and from where we receive or release energy toward the outside world. Besides the clogging, some chakras could be closed and cutting the flow. The open/close state of our chakras is related with our personality, our moment in life and our spiritual journey.
Cleaning the chakras
Cleaning the chakras
To clean the chakras we use imagery over a light meditative state. You are going to notice that this
is commonplace for all energy work. I don´t personally do a big deal to get into that state. I just look for a comfortable place with no interruptions, close my eyes and pretty much I´m there (a great moment is in bed before sleeping or just after waking up). Other people use chanting, music, instruments like singing bowls, dancing, etc. How do you know when you get there? Well, you managed to cut out most of external distractions and you are just with yourself. This is light meditation. Once you are comfortable in your inner world, find your base chakra. It is in the base of the spine, more or less bellow the genital level. Visualize it even if you don´t see, and put the red color to it. Now, pay attention at what your “imagination” brings in response. Is it a bright red? A dull red? Wine color? Moody red? Is it swirling or still? Do you see a cord coming in or out of it? What are the emotions you feel arising when visualizing your root chakra? Is it loving? Confident? Do you feel fear or a suck feeling? Does it bring any memories? Find a source of white light (it will appear as soon as you think about it), and clean your chakra with that light as if you were cleaning a glass bowl with water. Feel it as a sphere. Feel the light
cleaning and purifying it The light comes in and out and takes anything wrong with it on the way out. If the chakra is “broken” or damaged in any way, feel how the health is recovered. After cleaning it, fill it with this loving light until it is full and healthy. It should look like a bright red ball, and you might see it swirling or pulsing. You will probably also have physical sensations and a feeling of joy.
Repeat the procedure with all the other chakras going up one by one, using the respective colors.
Cleaning the chakra channel
Visualize the chakra channel as a cord that connects all the chakras together. Most of the dirt and clogging goes to the chakras, but the channel also needs to be cleaned from time to time. Start by creating a cord from the base chakra to the Earth like we do for flushing. Actually the flushing technique will work much more efficiently if our chakras and channel are clean. Find your light source and start pumping energy to your second chakra, feel how the clean energy carries all the dirt in the channel between first and second channel and release it deep into the Earth. Once you are satisfied, repeat feeding energy to third chakra, and heart chakra. Release the cord. Now create a cord from the crown chakra to the source. Send light to the third eye and release it from the crown chakra. Repeat this until the you reach the heart chakra.
Finally, replenish with source and ground energies as we talked about in the two energies sections.
Every time we make emotional contact with someone, we create a cord. Some people see it in a different way, like a single thin cord connecting two persons from the heart or the gut chakras...But this is how I see it, or better said, feel it as I'm not much of a see-er yet...The cords have many uses. For example, they allow us to just Know the emotional state of someone by thinking about him/her. Every time we share experiences with a person a new cord is created that will reinforce the connection. Unfortunately, we know that people are more expansive when it comes to sharing bad emotions than good ones. So many times we create cords and connections with people we could go without. Or sometimes we create cords with people and there comes a time where a relationship is no longer creating a space where two add to more than two, but it becomes less than one...
On those cases we might want to cut those cords, because they are exit points that drain our energy. Every time we remember a certain person and a non happy emotion arises we are feeding energy to that person (dirty energy, but energy nonetheless) and it is not good for anyone in the equation.
Method to cut the cords
Go for a walk. A park is a good place, the more natural the better... Just make sure you are not going to meet anyone and have to cut the line of thought. Clear your thoughts and center your attention in the breathing, entering is a soft meditation state. Take a memory that joins you to this person and say:
I thank you for this memory, because it brought me to where I am now. Now I release you... follow your path, I'll follow mine.
Please remember: thoughts have power. Anything you think about will start walking its way toward
existence (whether you like it or not). And imagine a thin silver cord that represents that connection, run over it with your hand and cut it clean. It is easy to cut, like a spider web. Repeat it with all the memories you have that are painful about this person--letting him/her go.
At the end I use a general statement on the form of: Now, I release all those painful memories that I am not recalling, but that are still inside, I thank you for your actions as they brought me to where I am today, but it is time to let you go. I am clean from you and your shadow. You will no longer affect me in any way in the future. Be at peace. At the same time, I ask your forgiveness for all the pain I might have caused you, I free you from it. Be at peace.
May this moment be blessed and these actions be the best for the highest good of everyone involved.
How do you know it is working?
I feel it is working when I have that blessing feeling during the process. It is the signal of a process
that is actually working. Sometimes it might not work, especially if we have unfinished business
with this person and we know the pain will go on in the future. But we always can let go of part of
the emotional burden, and strengthen ourselves for what will come.
Cutting thicker cords
It is funny how imagery works, as some cords refuse to get cut, and you need to go heavy duty and use
scissors or even swords. Some people have asked for angelic help to cut some particularly persistent cords. Most cords are there by common agreement. But in some cases the cords exist as a result of parasitic relationships. In those cases the cords usually enter from the back, not the front, they are darker (black most of the times) and yucky feeling. Those cords are difficult to cut, but if you cut memory by memory, it is usually easier than trying to cut the whole set at once. Sometimes I just change the imagery and make them evaporate, instead of cutting. If you have any of those heavy duty cords attached, after cutting them you will need to “wrap” your aura to avoid leaking.
Dealing with parasites
Picture this. Helen just found out she was an empath and she is starting to walk her way in this
new world. She is wide open while she reads everything she can to understand her gifts and to
learn how to take advantage of them instead of suffering them. She enters in a related group and starts reading. The feeling is a bit off, like distress going high. But she is sympathetic to those who are worse than her and keeps going. There is a post from someone asking for help. The post includes a lot of caps and exclamation marks, really attracting attention. Actually the caps are as if someone were yelling in her heart chakra, but she feels she has to help if she can, so she sucks it up and opens it.
What happens when she opens it and starts reading is like walking in the twilight zone… She starts
feeling dizzy and confused; her ability to think lowers; she feels numb. She reads but can´t make
much sense of it after a while and she feels very weak. After reading a couple of answers she can´t
do anything but look at the monitor with the eyes wide open and nothing else. After a while, her
energy reserves go so low that her alarm system sounds (yes, we have one): “something is going
on, get out of there!” “I need fresh air”, she thinks. She goes to the bathroom, washes her face and her hands and feels a bit better. She goes outside and as soon as she feels the wind in her hair and the sun in her face she is herself again. What was that? That was a psy vamp attack. Even the most unprepared empaths usually come with a natural system to cope with the consequences of being drained (as it happens so often, sigh…), so it is not such a big deal. On the other hand, if the attack is targeted and while sleeping, things can get more complicated. So there are some measures to be taken before going to sleep to add a layer of protection.
What is a psy-vamp
I´m not going enter in detail about what a psy-vamp is because all descriptions give them power.
Let´s just say that psy-vamps are energy parasites:people who are unable to create their own energy - or bring it in from the System - so they steal it from others. We have to treat them the way we treat all parasites: cut the parasitic relationship and make them understand they are better somewhere else.
Let´s classify them in two groups: unwilling and willing parasites. Unwilling parasites are those guys or ladies that are undergoing a very distressing moment (that sometimes extend for all their lives) and use sympathy, fear or other emotions to drain those around them. You have probably met more than one in your life. Empaths seem to attract them as if we had a neon sign saying: free food, come and serve yourself…
Willing parasites are mostly empaths that went very wrong. They use their empathic abilities to track, find and attack. They even use rituals and other type of jamba-bamba.
Getting rid of unwilling vamps
The easiest way to rid yourself of unwilling psy-vamps is to cut the cords and cut communication.
If that is not possible, still cut the cords (again and again if they get re-attached), and shield when
in their presence. Parasites usually don´t have much patience; if the victim is not easy, they move
on. An even best form - but that takes some discipline - is to move yourself to a different main
frequency where they can´t enter in sync anymore to leach. In easy world language: you need to
learn to laugh about them, you and the whole relationship. This implies spiritual growth.
The most difficult part of dealing with a psy-vamp attack is to identify it in time to do something
about it. Once you identify the attack (it can be a headache, dizziness, inability to think clear, etc), the next step is to find where you are leaking. The energy is getting out from one of the chakras, usually the
heart chakra. At that point, enter into light meditation and cut the energy flow with your hands bringing the energy in. Once you cut the flow, create a bubble shield or surround the attacker with an energy
bubble. If you have a guardian or you are part of a network, this is a good moment to ask for help
too. You can use an extra boost by interlocking the fingers while creating the protection bubble. You do
it by touching together the tips of both thumbs and middle fingers to form two circles interlocked.
If you are new to the gifts or if you need it, add an affirmation: “Now I am fully protected and
energized”. There is a more advanced method that creates real transformation and healing in them (more or less permanent, not completely). But you need to have access to your spiritual heart or another
source of energy, as you need tons and tons of energy.
Staying away from trouble
The easier way to deal with all parasites is to stay away from their reach. Empaths have the instinctive compulsion to try to save the world single handed. This is part of the awakening of the third chakra. We just can´t help it. But even when a person clearly needs help, it doesn´t mean that you are the one to help him/her. Don´t try to help anyone that is drowning until you learn to swim. It is just common sense.
Parasites usually show themselves as very needy people with endless problems that are always someone else´s fault. Even those that do it purposely will use sympathy as one of the easiest entry points. They knock on your heart, you open it, and they put the straw. Other tool they use is to destroy your self-value. It is these people that make you feel like an ant in front of them, and for some reason they seem to take as a natural part of existence that you will comply with any request... and you buy it. Even if they never do anything in the physical world, they are taking your energy. Still another method is to break in with an energy “bullet” and make an opening in your aura. You will feel physically attacked even if they don´t lay a finger on you, like an unbearable pressure. After the attack, you feel completely drained. This is usually related with verbal violence. You think that the problem is the words, but the words are just a vehicle for the energy that is breaking you up. If you are in a relationship with someone and does this one time, it is time to say good bye or accept that there will be more. The last one I want to talk about here is stress. Have you ever felt your schedule, activities or life in general is managed by someone else? Have you felt there is some weird sadistic game going on that forces you to be always beyond your possibilities? It is because you are being put in a highly emitting regime where you never recover to find out what exactly is wrong. Unfortunately, many employers use this as rule. These are different tools parasites use; you might find them using more than one tool to get to you. This can often create a problem, because most empaths do not know that they are in fact empaths. Most empaths, not knowing that they are taking on this energy in a non-physical way, are unaware of the origin of their suffering, and the negative compressive emotional energy can have deleterious effects on the individual, because that person also would not know how to clear the energy, or dispose of it. Many Empaths suffer continually, taking on the negative energies of humanity, through having had many good past lives. They often do not see their own goodness, but rather may sometimes take on suffering as a validation of their lives. This is done through love, not as a purposeful self-destruction, but because of the intense self-realized goodness that the empath has lived in their past reincarnations. Physical issues include problems with the heart itself, respiration, ribs, thymus, skin, joints, fibromyalgea, blood flow and blood quality, weight retention, and other issues systemic to the body. Psychological issues include a loss of personal identity, depression, loss of the ability to think clearly, personal sabotage, and constant struggle to stay emotionally stable. Imagine your emotional energy field as a cup that holds water. If the cup is full, then any water (emotion) added to the cup causes it to overflow. This is the energetic equivalent of what happens to a heart chakra individual, who has taken on so much energy from the people around them that any added emotion is always too much, and causes suffering in some way.
Here is a exercise that the empath can do to help relieve the emotional body of negativity.
Exercise Magnetic Water
Whether you shower or bathe, imagine the water as magnetic. Knowing what a magnet does, imagine the magnetized water pulling out of you, as appropriate, any negative emotion, thought or feeling. You don't even have to know what the negativity is, just think "Release, release, release," to yourself as the negativity goes out into the water, the water goes down the drain, and you are clear. The Earth transmutes the negative energy into neutral energy. If you cannot get to a shower or bath, hold your hands under running water and think "Release, release, release." If you cannot get to water at all, just imagine it running over the back of your hand. The power of your will helps to clear you.
You can do this exercise as often as you want every day. It will help to keep your emotional energy field clear. Water is a great conductor of emotional energy, and most empaths always live near water or love being in water.
Copyright 2011 Movads, Inc. Empath Zone .com
When you are an Empath
Your inner power is Empathy! This means that you have the ability to sense the emotions, and feelings of others just by being near them. You are tend to be somewhat shy, especially in a room filled with other people. You might not be all that shy but because you have a hard time being in a room with others you seem shy, staying to yourself gives that impression. Being able to pick up on other peoples emotions tends to become overwhelming when you are with a more then a few people at the same time. Not everyone understands you, in fact some think that your a snob or worse because you rarely participate in group activities, or want to go places. I have lost friends because they just didn't understand why I never really wanted to go out with them. I am happy and content to just stay at home. I am also as are so many others who are gifted with being an Empath a loner type personality, I have no problem being by myself, sometimes I'd rather it. If your an Empath you can be extremely sensitive, the slightest thing can and does hurt you, you have a history of being hurt by people through your life, also you are very sensitive to noise/sounds, chatter, and feelings, don't trust easily, don't have many friendships. Only very few people understand your complex personality, and can understand they can't hide much from you because the second they come near you you know if somethings bothering them, if they are upset about something, if they are happy or excieted about something. It is not easy to hide your feelings from someone who is an Empath. That also causes people to stay away, you do learn how to control this power!! and even though it is a gift it can also be a curse. But once you learn how to control it you can learn to live with it, it also eventually becomes rutine, something you just get used to. I can tell just as soon as someone walks in the room, or the moment I hear their voice on the phone just how they are feeling. If I am really close to a person I can pick up their emotions just by thinking about them.