Magick Mirror
The classic Magick Mirror is a dark concave surface of reflective material. The Magick Mirror is one of the oldest tools used for Divination and Spell Casting. They are easy to construct by using a curved glass face of a clock and painting the convex side with black paint. Traditionally, the preparation of a Magick Mirror begins on the night of a Full Moon. Look at a Astrological Moon Calendar for the Moon Signs because it would be best to make your Mirror when the Full Moon is in the sign of..Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. 
Once you have purchased your clock face, and painted it black, let it dry completely. Now you want to bathe it in a Magickal Herbal wash made with equal parts of Rosemary, Tyme, Lavender, and Rose petals. Take the Herbs and grind them up in a Mortar. (If you are able to do this by all means go ahead, one of the old traditions was adding sea foam to the Herbal bathe).
While the Mirror is resting in the Herbal Bath hold your palms out over it and say...
I awaken the sleeping Spirits of old,
Whose eyes reveal all that in darkness is told,
Give to me visions within this darkened well,
And make it a portal for Magickal Spells.
Now visualize a silverish/purpleish mist coming from your Palms, and swirling around your Mirror. Take in deep breaths, and as you exhale outward upon the the Herbal Bath and Mirror and see it help move the mist around the mirror and then into it. Now take the Mirror out of the Bath and dry it completely, DON'T DISCARD HERBAL BATH, set it up where both sides are not blocked, . Hold your right hand out with your Palm facing your Mirror, and your left hand out facing the other side. You want your hands about 3 inches or so away from the Mirror, you are now ready to magnetize your Mirror with your Aura. With your left hand make a circular motion clockwise staying within the dimensions of the Mirror, do this about 5 times, then stop. Now do the same with your right hand going in desoil circular motion.(Not to do this motion with both hands at once, just one at a time)
If not already under the Full Moon, take your Mirror outside so the Moon light hits it, fill the concave side with the Herbal mixture, now hold it up to the Moon, about eye level, now I love doing this, as you look at the moon, make your eyes go a little blurry where the Moon light will make like lines that seem to emanate from the Moon, once you clear your vision it will be gone, so do this and as you make your eyes go blurry and create those lines with the Moon light make the line or lines connect with the liquid in the Mirror and say..
Three are the lights,
Here now that are seen,
But not to all,
The one in-between,
For now the Enchantress,
Has long come to last,
To charge and empower,
This dark Magick glass.
To break to connection just close your eyes for a second, them kneel and pour the potion on the ground in a manner of libation. dry the mirror and wrap it in a soft cloth, don't ever let the sunlight touch your mirror to also protect it's lunar magnetism. The mirror is now ready for spell casting and divination.
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