The Fae Star
The seven-pointed star is called a septagram, an Elven star or a Fairy star. Not as widely seen as the pentacle, but it's becoming a popular Pagan symbol. It embodies individuality, uniqueness, creativity, and intelligence. The number 7 is a very spiritual number that represents our need to find a spiritual connection beyond ourselves. The seven-pointed star, also known as the Elven Star, or Faerie Star, has many meanings:
- The seven directions: North, South, East, West, Above, Below, Within
- The seven elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life, Light, Magick
- The seven chakras
- Seven notes in a musical scale: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
- The seven (visible) colors in a rainbow
And many other possible meanings. It represents universal balance, as represented by the symbol for earth (a square, four sides) united with the trinity, representing heaven (or its equivalent), bound together in harmony, three over four, 'heaven over earth'. All is well, and in balance.
The Elven Star is found in some branches of the Faerie tradition of Wicca. Also called the Seven Pointed Star or Faerie Star, it represents a gift from Faerie to humans to bridge the understanding between the Mortal human realm and the of Faerieland. The variou different names can be associated with many other Magical traditions. The 7 pointed star is known as a gateway symbol, a Gate entrance between our World and that of Faery, the Otherworld. Each point on the Star represents a gateway or path of the Higher Self to prepare one for entrance into Faery.
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